Sunday, August 31, 2008

Blogging without Backup

My posts seem to get fewer and farther between. I have a good explanation ... I really do! I think there is an unwritten law that says all blog posts must be accompanied by photos. That's been my problem lately ... even though my camera goes where I do, I'm finding it harder to take the pics of our activites.

The biggest change in my life this past month is I now have a J-O-B. I feel very fortunuate to say that I love my job and wouldn't trade it for anything. Since I haven't worked for 11 years now, I really thought it would be difficult going back but it wasn't. To begin with, I'm working at the school my boys attend .. Kaufman Christian School. I'm the Administrative Assistant there so we go to school together. My days haven't been dull so far so time is flying by quickly.

I attended the Women of Faith conference last weekend which was amazing! I always walk away with a new perspective on life and a heart full of blessings.

Yesterday, Brad, the boys and I went to Hawaiian Falls for the last time this season. I think we managed to get our money's worth from our season passes since over the summer, we visited at least once/week.

So, as you can tell .. my life has been anything but boring. I do have lots to document. I just wish I would remember to take pics as it happens.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Supporting the Farmers

We spent part of Saturday walking around the local Farmers Market in Dallas. I love going down there to buy fresh fruits and veggies. Saturday's weather was wonderful .. the temps were in the 80's! Many other people had the same idea because the place was buzzing with activity. Everything looked so good .. it was hard to decide how to spend our money.





Of course, sampling all the goodies is half the fun!


And you never know who you'll run into ... this guy has a honey display:


One things for sure, you'll always walk away with bags of the freshest available produce.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Baby Dedication

Today was a special day for my family ... Brylea Nicole was dedicated to The Lord. She looked stunning in her gown. It's my prayer that she will grow into a young girl that loves God with all her heart.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A new life in Christ

My oldest granddaughter made a very important decision this summer. While attending VBS with her other grandmother, she asked Jesus to live in her heart. Needless to say, our family was very excited for her.

This past Sunday, she followed through with her decision by being baptized. She seemed very happy when she arrived that morning.


When the time came, we went upstairs and she changed into her baptismal outfit.


Pastor Leeman led her into the water and the ceremony began.





Now tell me, does this look like a happy child or what? I'm so proud of her!!


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Let's make a difference together ...


Do something nice today for someone else ... make a donation, no matter what amount. I read this blog faithfully and their story touches my heart. I'm sure it will yours too:

Confessions Of A CF Husband: CFHusband Goes Bald